
Urgent Support - Children and Young People

 Help I'm in a Crisis

A crisis can be any situation where you feel you or someone else might need help urgently.

A crisis situation could be:

  • You are seriously injured or hurt
  • You feel suicidal
  • You are thinking or harming yourself or others

You may know what has caused the crisis or the cause may be unknown to you. You can seek help in the following ways.

IMPORTANT: If you feel a child is at immediate risk of taking their own life or showing psychotic symptoms please contact the CAMHS Duty Clinician on 0300 304 0061 (between the hours of 9am-5pm Monday to Friday).

Out of these hours, in a crisis, contact the Sussex Mental Healthline on 0300 500 0101 or if it's an emergency call 999 for emergency medical attention.

If you are thinking about acting on suicidal thoughts or feelings or you are thinking of harming others

  • You can call the Sussex Mental Healthline, 24 hours a day, on 0800 0309 500
  • You can call 111 for advice and information, or for a referral on to the urgent mental health assessment team
  • You can call 999 and ask for an emergency service if you need to

If you need medical help and it's not an emergency you can contact:

  • Your doctor (GP)
  • NHS 111 for advice

If you need urgent medical treatment, e.g. due to physical injury or overdose

  • You can call 999 and ask for an emergency service
  • You can go to any hospital A&E department and ask for help

If you are in need of emotional support now you can call:

Saneline - 0845 767 8000 (local rate on BT landlines).
They give help, support and information to anyone affected by mental health. They are open 4.30pm – 10.30pm every day or you can email

HOPELineUK - 0800 068 41 41 / Text: 07786 209 697
They give confidential advice and support to under 35 year olds thinking about suicide, and anyone who is concerned about a young person and suicide. They are open 10am-10pm weekdays, 2pm-10pm weekends, and 2pm-5pm Bank Holidays.

Samaritans - 116 123 (free to call from within the UK and Ireland, 24 hours a day). They give confidential listening support.

If you are thinking about acting on suicidal thoughts or feelings or you are thinking of harming others.

Call 999 and ask for an emergency service.